Meeting: February 3, 2009


Meeting Date February 3, 2009 (8:35am – 1:55pm)

Member Organizations (Present at meeting in Bold)

Member Organizations (Present at meeting in Bold)
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
American Hospital Association
American Medical Association
American Nurses Association
American Pharmacists Association
American Society for HealthCare Risk Management
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
American Society of Health System Pharmacists
Department of Defense
Food & Drug Administration
Generic Pharmaceutical Association
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Institute for Safe Medication Practices
The Joint Commission (via phone)
National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations

National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
National Council of State Boards of Nursing
National Council on Patient Information & Education

National Patient Safety Foundation
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Pharmacopeia

Individual Member – Deborah M. Nadzam
USP Safe Medication Use Expert Committee, Vice Chair

Discussion Items

  1. Dr. Roger Williams, USP Executive Vice President and CEO addressed the Council membership and described the transition of USP away from medication error reporting to its core mission of standard setting. Dr. Williams also addressed USP's continued support for the Council as its secretariat.
  2. Recognition of the Council's efforts in receiving the NQF Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award for 2008.
  3. Three new organizations seeking membership (APSF, SHM, and AGS) presented their intentions and qualifications and were unanimously approved. One individual member (Diane Cousins) was unanimously approved for membership.
  4. Presentation by Cheri Lattimer of the National Transitions of Care Coalition provided information on the various activities of the NTOCC and their web site tools ( for patients and practitioners.
  5. Pediatric Medication Safety summary and links were updated and demographics and target audiences were discussed. Members agreed that general and specific links should be identified and the document should be posted on NCC MERP web site.
  6. Bar coding survey questions reviewed and suggestions for target audience and demographic information needs addressed.
  7. Subcommittee formed to address safety assessment of the medication use system.

Action Items

  1. Approval of October meeting summary
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. The number of organizations currently allowed under each category of membership was eliminated in an effort to open up the membership as defined in the Rules.
  4. Membership of the National Patient Safety Foundation was tabled due to absence of delegate.
  5. Resignation of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores was accepted by the Council membership
  6. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, Society of Hospital Medicine, and American Geriatrics Society approved as Council members for two year terms. Diane D. Cousins, R.Ph., approved as an individual member for a two year term.
  7. Future Council actions:
    • Pediatric Medication Safety: comments and additional links will be submitted by Council delegates, indicating general safety or specific to pediatrics. Summary will be reworked
    • Bar coding questions for spring 2009 survey: delegates will review questions and send suggestions and demographic questions to ASHP.
    • Work group on medication safety assessment will convene and provide update at June meeting
    • Application for the ISMP Cheers award will be pursued once available on ISMP site.
    • Chair and Vice Chair nominations will be requested and ballots prepared prior to June meeting.

Next Meeting Date

June 9, 2009 (8:30am – 3:00pm)

Actions/Decisions are those of the Council as a whole and may not reflect the views/positions of individual member organizations.

Meeting Date