Meeting: February 5, 2008


Meeting Date February 5, 2008 (8:18am – 2:38 p.m.)

Member Organizations (Present at meeting in Bold)

American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
American Hospital Association
American Medical Association
American Nurses Association
American Pharmacists Association
American Society for HealthCare Risk Management
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
American Society of Health System Pharmacists
Department of Defense
Food & Drug Administration

Generic Pharmaceutical Association
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Institute for Safe Medication Practices
The Joint Commission
National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
National Council of State Boards of Nursing
National Council on Patient Information & Education
National Patient Safety Foundation
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (and via phone)
Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Pharmacopeia
Individual Member (via phone)

Discussion Items

  1. October meeting summary, action items and agenda
  2. Bar coding recommendations currently posted on the NCC MERP website
  3. Drug Suffixes meeting summary posted to Member's page on web site
  4. Web analytics – over 100 hits have been made to "new" postings
  5. Posting Meeting Summaries on the NCC MERP web site for members only
  6. Drug Suffixes Conference
    1. Drug Suffixes Survey – approved by ballot; post to Survey Monkey; members to advertise for participation in the survey
    2. Press release – approved; dissemination by member organizations
  7. Report from attendees at November IOM meeting–Advances in Health Literacy
    1. Stakeholder provider reaction to white papers (available on the ACP website) on a new schema for the prescription vial to increase clarity for outpatient use.
    2. A new Advisory Panel is being organized by USP to create content and format standards for prescription vial labeling.
  8. In–house reporting systems – VA ADRs VISN 11 (Michigan) has developed a web–based reporting system which has been harmonized with national coding specifications. The goal is to reduce paper and the system allows for submission to the VA database as well as to FDA.
  9. Medication reconciliation – discussions about member activities
  10. Drug Samples recommendations – approved
  11. FDA public meeting on Behind–the–counter drugs – report by FDA
  12. Report of subgroup updating bar coding statistics – subcommittee to develop survey on adoption and implementation
  13. Tubing misconnections – monitor uptake from 2 articles in Joint Commission Journal
  14. Labeling and packaging
    1. Heparin
    2. ASHP summit on IV medications
    3. Pediatric medications
    4. USP Safe Medication Use Expert Committee (SMU EC) high alert drug list
  15. MEDMARX Annual Data Report on the relationship of drug names and medication errors – copies will be sent to Council members


    1. Approved October meeting summary
    2. Approved agenda with addition of discussion of tubing misconnections.
    3. Approved submission of Eisenberg Award nomination
    4. Approved a disclaimer codicil for actions/decisions section of the report.
    5. Named the public meeting brief Council Communiqué
    6. Agreed to post Council Communiqué for the public on the NCC MERP web site
    7. Approved Drug Suffixes survey with editorial changes
    8. Drug Suffixes survey will be posted by The Joint Commission
    9. An overview will be forwarded to member organizations providing a link to the Drug Suffixes survey when posted
    10. Revised and approved the press release on Drug Suffixes
    11. Agreed to amplification of a survey on bar code implementation
    12. Revised and approved the Drug Samples Recommendations
    13. Empanelled a subcommittee on Recommendations for Implementation of Technology

Next Meeting Date

June 24, 2008 – 8:30am to 3:00pm


*Actions/Decisions are those of the Council as a whole and may not reflect the views/positions of individual member organizations

Actions/Decisions are those of the Council as a whole and may not reflect the views/positions of individual member organizations.

Meeting Date