Meeting: June 9, 2009


Meeting Date June 9, 2009 (8:42am – 2:11pm)

Member Organizations (Present at meeting in Bold)

American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
American Geriatrics Society
American Hospital Association
American Medical Association
American Nurses Association
American Pharmacists Association
American Society for HealthCare Risk Management
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
American Society of Health System Pharmacists
Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
Department of Defense
Department of Veterans Affairs
Food & Drug Administration
Generic Pharmaceutical Association
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Institute for Safe Medication Practices
The Joint Commission via telephone
National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy

National Council of State Boards of Nursing
National Council on Patient Information & Education
National Patient Safety Foundation
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
Society of Hospital Medicine
United States Pharmacopeia
Vice Chair of USP Safe Medication Use Expert Committee via telephone

Individual Members: Diane D. Cousins
Deborah M. Nadzam

Discussion Items

  1. ISMP Cheers Award application need for bibliographical citations send to R. Gallagher by July 1st
  2. ACP Foundation activities and observation of meeting for possible membership ~ Jean Krause, EVP & CEO
  3. Turning a Personal Tragedy into a Dedication: International Research on Designing a Peelable and Point-of-Use Labeling System for Injectable Medicines ~ Dr. Miriam Klein
  4. Current status of barcode adoption ~ Bona Benjamin for Karl Gumpper
  5. Suggestions for Council attention related to geriatric and long term care issues ~ James F. Burris, MD
  6. Medication Reconciliation Meeting sponsored by Society of Hospital Medicine including the next steps to take based on the meetings outcome ~ Jane Kelly-Cummings

Action Items

  1. Recognized observers and other participants
  2. Reviewed and voted to approve agenda
  3. Approved February meeting summary
  4. Welcomed new AMA delegate: Barry Dickinson
  5. Acknowledged Joe Cranston's past participation and representation of AMA on NCC MERP
  6. Announced the results of balloting: Chair- Bona Benjamin and Vice-Chair- Rita Munley Gallagher
  7. Granted permission to reprint Category Index, Algorithm, and specific taxonomy sections to two organizations
  8. Voted renewal of NPSF membership for one year
  9. Accepted the decision of AAHSA to withdraw from membership
  10. Empaneled a workgroup (chaired by Jane Kelly Cummings) to formulate a plan for developing recommendations for standardized medication lists (for reconciliation purposes) for consideration by the Council
  11. Dr. Burris will identify the gaps and create organizational reports on activities dealing with topics relevant to geriatrics

Next Meeting Date

October 27, 2009 (8:30am – 3:00pm)

Actions/Decisions are those of the Council as a whole and may not reflect the views/positions of individual member organizations.

Meeting Date