Meeting: October 26, 2010


Meeting Date October 26, 2010 (10:15am ~ 2:35pm)

Member Organizations (Present at meeting in Bold)

American Academy of Physicians Assistants
American College of Physicians Foundation (telephonically)

American Geriatrics Society
American Hospital Association
American Medical Association
American Nurses Association
American Pharmacists Association
American Society for Healthcare Risk Management
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (telephonically)
Department of Defense
Department of Veterans Affairs
Food & Drug Administration
Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Institute for Safe Medication Practices
The Joint Commission

National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations
National Association of State Boards of Pharmacy
National Council of State Boards of Nursing
National Council on Patient Information and Education
National Patient Safety Foundation

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
Society of Hospital Medicine
United States Pharmacopeia

Individual Members

  • Deborah M. Nadzam
    Diane D. Cousins

Discussion Items

A. Summary of the June meeting

B. Agenda

C. Meeting schedule to allow for the winter meeting to be held via WebEx

D. Secretariat's report

E. Approval of membership renewals

F. Membership of PQA

G. Reminder of upcoming membership renewals: APSF, AGSF, NPSF, and SHM and Individual Member-Diane Cousins

H. Statement on criminalization of errors and strategies for outreach/communication

I. Medication Error Measurement

J. The addition of the metric system and weight-based dosing to recommend revisions

K. Resubmission of ISMP Cheers Award nomination

L. Conflict of interest/confidentiality agreements

M. National Alert Network for Serious Medication Errors

Action Items*

A. A Moment of Silence recognizing the contributions of Tom Foster to safe medication use was observed.

B. New representatives, observers and other participants were welcomed and introduced.

C. The June, 2010 meeting summary was approved.

D. The agenda was approved as presented.

E. A revised meeting schedule to include (at a minimum) one winter WebEx meeting was approved. Educational materials will be provided in advance of the meeting and a training session on this technology will be available to all members.

F. Membership of ASHRM; ASCP; DoD; IHI; ISMP; NASPA; NCPIE; and VA were approved for two year terms.

G. Given its status as an alliance and duplication of organizations on both PQA and NCC MERP, it was determined that PQA would not meet the criteria for membership at this time but will be advised that formal observer status is being considered. A small workgroup was empanelled to develop a description of the category of Observer.

H. Suggestions for further revisions to the statement opposing criminalization of medication errors were offered. The document will be finalized by a small workgroup. Legal opinion will be sought on the revised draft and any needed changes integrated by the workgroup into a final draft that will be returned to the membership for approval.

I. The Council approved a proposal to seek funding in support of a review of medication error-related measures to support an invitational meeting for development of a recommendation regarding measures of value for inclusion in a dashboard. These measures would then be tested. The workgroup will develop the proposal for submission to multiple potential funders.

J. During their review, use of the metric system was integrated throughout the Council recommendations to enhance accuracy of: prescription writing; dispensing and administration of medications. The recommendations as revised were approved.

K. The Council will resubmit the Cheers Award nomination once the statement opposing criminalization of medication errors is approved.

L. Signed conflict of Interest agreements will not be required by the Council. Verbal disclosure and requests for executive session will be sought at the beginning of each meeting as a standard agenda item.

M. Format of National Alert Network for Serious Medication Errors and design of addition to Council Web page approved.

Next Meeting Date

February 24, 2011 (1:00pm ~ 4:00pm) via WebEx

Actions/Decisions are those of the Council as a whole and may not reflect the views/positions of individual member organizations.

Meeting Date